Seasonal Climate Bulletin Kiremt 2024


Normally Kiremt is the wet season for Kiremt- rain-benefiting areas of western, central, northwestern, and southwestern Ethiopia. The climate of this season is characterized by cold and wet days. The seasonal rainfall amount of this season exceeds 1250 mm over much of the Kiremt-rain-benefiting areas with larger amounts of rainfall occurring over western, Central, and North-Western Ethiopia. The seasonal total rainfall amount of Kiremt 2024 exceeded 1250 mm over Benishangul, southernmost of the Amhara region, central-western Tigray and Gambela, the western part of SNNPR, and parts of western Oromia.During Kiremt 2024, days remained hot over Southeast, northeastern and western parts of Ethiopia. In particular, extreme maximum temperature values exceeded 40.0oC over Dire Dawa, Metehara, Awash Arba, Aysha, Chifra, Dalifagi, Elidar, Gewane, Semera, Gode, Awash Arba, Aysha, Elidar, Gewane, Semera, Elidar, Gode, Semera, Aysha, Elidar, Gode, and SemeraThe extreme minimum temperature values were as low as 6. 5.4, 5, 4, 5.2, 4.4, 3.1, 5.8, 4.8, 4.7, 4, 5, 4.8, 4.2, 4, and 3 in °C over Alemketema, Ambamariam, over Sholagebaya, Bui, Alemketema, Ambamariam, Sholagebaya, Alemketema, Ambamariam, Bui, Sholagebaya,, Alemketema, Ambamariam, D/Brehan, Mehalmeda, and Sholagebaya In general, the seasonal rainfall amount of Kiremt 2024 was below normal over Gambela, Benishangul, and Amhara regions, northern and northwestern Benishangul Gumuz, some parts of northern Tigray, pocket area of SNNP, Oromia, and Afar regions. In most parts of Somalia, southeastern parts of SNNPRs, southern parts of Oromia, and some pocket areas of central Ethiopia were getting above normal. Finally, Normal rainfall conditions have occurred over most of Benishangul Gumuz, Gambela, Amhara region, western-central Oromia, and some pocket areas of SNNP and Somalia region .