Seasonal Climate Bulletin Belg 2024


During Belg On the other hand, the day remained hot over the lowland of north eastern, eastern, southeastern and north western part of the country recorded extreme maximum temperature values of more than 34 °C (Fig 3.1.2). In specific, the extreme maximum temperature values were as high as 43.2, 43.6, 44.0, 44.6 and 44.8 °C over Metema, Abobo, Fugnuido, Semera and Elidar, respectively.Belg season in Ethiopia is the second rainy season. Hence, the seasonal total rainfall exceeds 300mm over most parts of the country. In particular, the seasonal total rainfall values of BELG 2024 were as 736.5, 738.2, 728.9, 700.3, 1061.4, 676.4, 673.7, 730.8 and 750.2 mm over Aman, Bore, Dilla, Dolomena, Gatira, Hossaina, Jinka, Majji and Sawula, respectively (Table 3.2.2). The daily rainfall values over Wegeltena, Gelemso, Abomsa, Nazreth, Moyale, and Wolaita Sodo stations was 96.0, 87.0, 96.0, 113.5, 85.4 and 99.9 mm, respectively (Table 3.2.1).In general, the percent of normal rainfall distribution during BELG 2024 was normal to above normal over most parts of the country except western Oromia, Gambella, Somali and some pocket areas of Amhara and Tigray regions.