Kiremt Seasonal Agromet Bulletin 2023

The expected early onset and late cessation will be favorable Bega season agricultural activities. The expected Above Normal tending to Normal rainfall activity is anticipated across most of Meher crop producing area expected to favour the existing Meher crops were not yet fully matured and late sown pulses and oil seeds using residual moisture obtained during October over highlands. The expected occasional Unseasonal rain to prevail over Northern half Meher producing areas of the country over seasonally dry sectors in areas where crops are ready to harvest of the country would have negative impact on harvest and post-harvest activities.

Rainfall amount

Duing Kirmt seasone of 2023 the rain fall distribution was most part of rain benefiting areas recived 200-1200 mm rain fall. particularly pocket areas of North and South Gonder, Baher Dar, Kamashi, West and East Wellega, Illibabur, Jimma, Gurage, Sowth West Shewa and Addis Ababa Zones are received 1000-1200mm rain fall. West Tigray, Waghimera, North and Sout Gonder, North and South Wello, Metkel East Gojjam, Assosa, Tango, Gambella Zone1,2&3, Sheka, Godere, Keffa, Bench Maji, Basketo South Omo, Dawero, Alaba, Hadiya, Siliti, South West Shewa, Arsi, West Hararghe Zones are Received 200-400 mm rain fall. pocket areas of West, Central and South Tigray, Afar Zone 1,3,4&5East Hararghe, Jijiga, Fik, Bale, Sidama, Gedo, South Omo, Konso, Amaro, Zones are received 100-200 mm rain fll. On the other hand pocket areas of West, Centeral, and South Tigray, Afar Zone 1,3 4&5,Shineli, East Hararghe, Jijiga, Degahabur, Fik,Bale, Guji, Borena, Amaro and Konso Zones are received 50-100mm rain fall. The rest part of the country was recived 0-25mm rain fall.

Rainfall Anomaly

Duing Kirmt seasone of 2023 the rain fall anomaly was most part of the country was exhibited Normal rain fall, more over pocket areas of Afar Zone 1&4, Illibabur, Jimma, Arsi, and Bale Zones area exhibited Normal to Above Normal rain fall. The rest part of the
country was much below Normal to Below Normal rain fall.

Rainfall tercile probabilities

Implication of The season

  • Above normal rainfall performance is anticipated to dominate across the south and south-eastern.
  • Early onset of Bega and late cessation will be
  • Moreover, heavy rainfall and flash flood is likely to prevail over some pocket areas
    Much of the northern, north-eastern, eastern and central Ethiopia will have above normal rainfall (unseasonal rainfall).
  • The northwestern parts of the country are anticipated to be dominated normal rainfall
    (unseasonal rainfall).
  • Above-normal to slightly near-normal temperature expected over the eastern, central
    and south eastern.
  • The southwestern and western portions of the country dominantly will receive normal rainfall with occasional heavy rainfall pattern