Daily Rainfall and Temperature Forecast for 09-11 Jan 2025

Total Rainfall

A chance of light rainfall is expected over a few places of south Central Ethiopia region.

Total Rainfall

Light rainfall is expected over a few places of south Southern Ethiopia region.

Total Rainfall

A chance of light rainfall is expected over a few places of south western Ethiopia region, Central Ethiopia region and Southern Ethiopia region.

Minimum Temperature

Daily minimum temperature is expected below 5 degree Celsius over Central and Eastern Amhara, Central and Southern high lands of Oromia. In association with this, the early morning and nighttime coldness will continue in a similar manner over the mentioned areas of the country.

Minimum Temperature

Daily minimum temperature is expected below 5 degree Celsius over Central and Eastern Amhara, Central and Southern high lands of Oromia. In association with this, the early morning and nighttime coldness will continue in a similar manner over the mentioned areas of the country.

Minimum Temperature

Daily minimum temperature is expected below 5 degree Celsius over Central and Eastern Amhara, Central and Southern high lands of Oromia. In association with this, the early morning and nighttime coldness will continue in a similar manner over the mentioned areas of the country.