As of November 2024, there was a low favorable climate condition for malaria transmission. According to the analyzed climate data, West Wellega, Kellem Wellega, Illu Ababora, Jimma, both Guji and Borena zones of the Oromia region, Agnewak, Itang, and Majang zones of Gambela region, Sheka, bench Sheko, Mirab Omo, Kefa, Dawuro and Konta zones of South-west Ethiopia region, Basketo, Gofa and
The South Omo zones of the South Ethiopia region and the Daawa and Liben zones of the Somali regions will be at low risk of malaria transmission for the coming months. But keep in mind that this climate analysis is based on the current climate situation, which means the impact of the last favorable climate condition will be more significant on the listed zones and also other parts of the country that were suitable during the last one to two months.