The rainfall activity of the year 2020 was near normal over most parts of the central parts of the country. However, southeast and eastern portions of SNNPR, much of Somali and Afar region, portions of southern Oromiya, pocket areas of Amhara and Oromiya had experienced above normal rainfall.
Higher values of extreme maximum temperature values were recorded mostly during the hot season (Belg 2020) and in particular, the extreme maximum temperature values had exceeded 40oC over Gambela, Gewane, Aisha, Dubti, Semera and Elidar. On the other hand, nights and early mornings were cold over the highlands of northeast, central and southern Ethiopia during the dry season (Bega). In association with this, minimum temperature values below the freezing point (0oc) were recorded over Debre Brehan, Wegeltena, Haromaya, Mehal Meda, Bati and Aleltu