Monthly Agromet bulletin
The EMI's Monthly Agromet Bulletin provides an essential service to the agricultural sector by offering detailed climatic analyses and forecasts on a monthly basis. These bulletins encompass a wide range of weather-related information crucial for agricultural planning, including detailed analyses of monthly rainfall patterns(amounts and anomaly) and moisture status across Ethiopia's diverse agro-ecological zones.
The bulletin assess the implications of these climatic factors on soil moisture content, crop growth stages, pest and disease risks, and water availability for irrigation and livestock. Additionally, the bulletins provide vegetation condition indices (NDVI) and forecast the potential impacts of anticipated weather conditions on agricultural productivity in the following month.
Furthermore, it offers guidance on water management, crop selection, and timing for planting and harvesting, the bulletins aim to help farmers, agronomists, policymakers, and stakeholders make informed decisions to enhance crop yields, manage risks, and ensure food security. This tool is invaluable for adapting to climate variability and optimizing agricultural practices in response to Ethiopia's complex and changing weather patterns.
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Agromet Bulletin June 2024
Normally, July is the time when most of the areas that benefit from kiremt rains get enough soil moisture for early sowing crops and for late sowing mid-season crops, forage grass and drinking water supply. …
Agromet Bulletin April 2024
In the coming month of May 2024, the meteorological forecast information indicates that the seasonal rainfall activity is expected to continue most parts of the country. In line with this, in most parts of Belg …
Agromet Bulletin March 2024
In the normal situation, in the month of April rain producing systems are expected to be strength over Belg rain using and growing areas of the country. Hence, the situation is very important for moisture …
Agromet Bulletin February 2024
According to the weather forecast indicated in the coming month of March 2024, rain bearing weather systems likely to be strengthening over Belg rain benefiting and growing areas will have high chance of getting better …
Agromet Bulletin December 2023
According to the weather forecast for the coming January 2024, the Bega season dry, sunny and wind weather condition couple with cold night and morning is likely to be continued up to the mid of …