Belg_2022_outlook (Seasonal)

During the preceding Bega(Oct-Jan2021/22), below-normal rainfall was recorded in the southern and south-eastern regions that benefited from seasonal rain. On the other hand, there was normal to above normal rainfall in the Eastern, south-western and Western parts of the country.

Normal tends to below normal rain is expected to prevail across the South and South-eastern regions, where Belg is the main rainy season. Normal to below normal rain is anticipated across where ,Belg is the second rainy season, North-Eastern, Central and southern high ground and Eastern Ethiopia. Dominantly, normal to above normal seasonal rain is expected over much of western half of the country. Late onset and near normal cessation are expected over much portions of the country. Maximum temperature is expected to slightly above normal across much of the country. In general, the expected seasonal rain will be erratic in distribution and amount over much portion of the country.