Belg_2017_Seasonal_Climate_Outlook (Seasonal)

During the preceding Bega season (2016/17), the intensification of the Siberian high pressure system induced a record lowest minimum temperature across much of the nation, and in particular the frost-prone high grounds of North-east, Central, East and Southern Ethiopia observed a series of lowest minimum temperatures below zero degree Celsius which impacted crops in the fields. On the other hand, better rainfall activity was received over the western half whereas, the lowlands of south and southeastern, due to sustained dry spells had below normal rainfall condition.

In the coming Belg season, 2017 Near-Neutral ENSO episodic event of the Central and Eastern Pacific Ocean and the accompanying atmospheric condition is likely to dominate the season. As a result, normal to below normal rain is anticipated over the Belg-growing areas of the country. Considering, the erratic nature of the Belg season and the anticipated below normal rainfall over the main Belg growing areas, it is imperative to collect and make use of any drop of rain falling across the different places for the benefit of agricultural activity, pasture, drinking water etc.