1-10-April-2018-Vol.31-No.11 (Dekadal Agrometeorologicals)

During the third dekad of March 2018, good moisture was observed over southern and south western part of the country. In line with this, Bench maji, Gamo Gofa, south Omo, Kefa, Sheka, Gambella, Wellega, Illuababora, Jimma, Assosa, Kamashi, Guji, Borena, Bale, Wolayita, Hadiya, Gurage, Liben, Arsi, west Shoa, west Harergie, Metekel, west Gojam and north Gonder received rainfall in the rage of 5 – 113mm within 2 to 8 rainy days. Heavy fall in one day was also observed over some places such as, Maji 54.3, Bedele 39.2, Negele 35.8, and Chira 30.0mm. The observed wettest condition to those parts of the country might have positive implication for ensuring further crop development and for conducting land preparation to plant long cycle crops, like Maize and Sorghum, over long cycle crops growing areas. In addition, the condition might also favor the pastoral and agro-pastoral community toward improving pasture and drinking water. On the other hand, the prevailing dry moisture condition to the North, Central, East, South and Southeastern parts of the country could have negative impact for the fulfillment of crop’s water need and on the availability of fodder for animal feed and drinking water.