September_2016 (Monthly Hydro-meteorlogical)

The moisture performance of September had better performance over western half and central Kiremt rain benefiting river basins. Accordingly most of Abay, OmoGibe, Tekeze, BaroAkobo, and upper Awash, some of upper Wabishebele, upper Genaledawa and upper Rift valley catchments were preformed wet weather condition. The rest across middle Awash, the divide places of upper Wabishebele and Awash, eastern Tekeze and eastern Abay, pocket places of upper GenaleDawa and lower and middle Rift valley basins were experienced under humid to semi humid condition. The occurrence of heavy fall was observed over Kiremt rain benefiting catchments. The maximum frequency of heavy fall days was recorded over BaroAkobo basin at Masha station.

In the coming month due to the movement of Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) towards the south rain bring meteorological phenomenon has better strengthen to enhance the occurrence of rainfall over second seasonal rain benefiting catchments. In line with his most of BaroAkobo, Abay, OmoGibe, upper Awash, middle and lower Wabishebele, middle and lower Rift Valley, most of Genaledawa and Ogaden catchments will be expected to have normal and above normal rainfall. In the other side the rest northern and northeastern catchments will remain under dry condition. The above catchments which have expected normal tends to above normal rainfall distribution will have better moisture performance. Over those catchments it has positive impact to increase availability of water resource.